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Vom Ruhr Zoo zur ZOOM Erlebniswelt III: Der Bauabschnitt Asien
Authors:Wolf-Dietrich Gürtler
Affiliation:ZOOM Erlebniswelt Gelsenkirchen, Grimberger Allee 3, D-45889 Gelsenkirchen
In the Zoom Erlebniswelt Gelsenkirchen the third and last biogeographical area dedicated to the Asian fauna was opened in March 2010 covering a total area of five hectares. In May 2013 a new enclosure for tigers was added. The emphasis of the Asia area lies on a 4700 m2 tropical hall with mammals and birds, and Asian gastronomic facilities as well. Included is a mixed species exhibit for orangutans (Pongo abelii), northern plains grey langurs (Semnopithecus entellus) and Asian small clawed otters (Aonyx cinerea). Along a 1.3 km outside path enclosures for some species of colder climates were built, too. The transformation of the former Ruhr Zoo Gelsenkirchen to the modern ZOOM Erlebniswelt herewith is brought to a close.
Keywords:ZOOM Erlebniswelt  Biogeographical concept  Asian habitats  Tropic hall and vegetation  Thematic cultural and gastronomical additives
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