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A model for encoding of magnetic field intensity by magnetite-based magnetoreceptor cells
Authors:Walker Michael M
Affiliation:School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland Mail Centre, Auckland 1142, New Zealand. m.walker@auckland.ac.nz
Abstract:A conceptual model is proposed for the encoding of magnetic field intensity from the motion of a chain of single-domain magnetite crystals which is located within a receptor cell, connected at one end to the cell membrane, and linked by cytoskeletal filaments to an array of mechanically gated ion channels centred on the end of the chain. In this arrangement, the physical links between the chain and ion channels will restrict the motion of the magnetite chain in response to the external magnetic field to a narrow cone with its axis through the point where the chain is attached to the membrane. The motion of the chain in the presence of an external magnetic field and thermal agitation will open a varying number of channels, causing the membrane potential to oscillate about some mean value that depends on the component of magnetic intensity oriented perpendicular to the cell membrane. The model permits estimation of magnetic intensity by integration of the motion of the magnetite chain over an area of the cell membrane, explains a number of results from physiological recordings in birds and fish, and makes testable predictions for future experimental studies. The model also provides a mechanism at the cellular level for a constant value of the Weber fraction (the ratio of the threshold sensitivity to a stimulus and the magnitude of that stimulus) for the magnetic sense but requires a separate gain control mechanism for modulation of sensitivity over a range of background fields. If magnetic field detection and encoding works as proposed in the model, the magnetoreceptor system may also be able to reconstruct the magnetic field vector using information about the vertical and horizontal axes from the eyes, gravity detectors, or both.
Keywords:Magnetoreception   Mechanically gated ion channel   Cytoskeletal filament   Electrophysiology   Weber fraction
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