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Influence of increased membrane cholesterol on membrane fluidity and cell function in human red blood cells
Authors:Richard A. Cooper
Cholesterol and phospholipid are the two major lipids of the red cell membrane. Cholesterol is insoluble in water but is solubilized by phospholipids both in membranes and in plasma lipoproteins. Morever, cholesterol exchanges between membranes and lipoproteins. An equilibrium partition is established based on the amount of cholesterol relative to phospholipid (C/PL) in these two compartments. Increases in the C/PL of red cell membranes have been studied under three conditions: First, spontaneous increases in vivo have been observed in the spur red cells of patients with severe liver disease; second, similar red cell changes in vivo have been induced by the administration of cholesterol-enriched diets to rodents and dogs; third, increases in membrane cholesterol have been induced in vitro by enriching the C/PL of the lipoprotein environment with cholesterol-phospholipid dispersions (liposomes) having a C/PL of >1.0. In each case, there is a close relationship between the C/PL of the plasma environment and the C/PL of the red cell membrane. In vivo, the C/PL mole ratio of red cell membranes ranges from a normal value of 0.9–1.0 to values which approach but do not reach 2.0. In vitro, this ratio approaches 3.0. Cholesterol enrichment of red cell membranes directly influences membrane lipid fluidity, as assessed by the rotational diffusion of hydrophobic fluorescent probes such as diphenyl hexatriene (DPH). A close correlation exists between increases in red cell membrane C/PL and decreases in membrane fluidity over the range of membrane C/PL from 1.0 to 2.0; however, little further change in fluidity occurs when membrane C/PL is increased to 2.0–3.0. Cholesterol enrichment of red cell membranes is associated with the transformation of cell contour to one which is redundant and folded, and this is associated with a decrease in red cell filterability in vitro. Circulation in vivo in the presence of the slpeen further modifies cell shape to a spiny, irregular (spur) form, and the survival of cholesterol-rich red cells is decreased in the presence of the spleen. Although active Na-K transport is not influenced by cholesterol enrichment of human red cells, several carrier-mediated transport pathways are inhibited. We have demonstrated this effect for the cotransport of Na + K and similar results have been obtained by others in studies of organic acid transport and the transport of small neutral molecules such as erythritol and glycerol. Thus, red cell membrane C/PL is sensitive to the C/PL of the plasma environment. Increasing membrane C/PL causes a decrease in membrane fluidity, and these changes are associated with a reduction in membrane permeability, a distortion of cell contour and filterability and a shortening of the survival of redcells in vivo.
Keywords:cholesterol  red blood cells  cell membrane  membrane fluidity  fluorescence polarization
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