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Linear furocoumarins and other constituents from thamnosma texana
Authors:Ernest H. Oertli  Ross C. Beier  G.Wayne Ivie  Loyd D. Rowe
Affiliation:Veterinary Toxicology and Entomology Research Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, College Station, TX 77841, U.S.A.
Eight linear furocoumarins and three coumarins were isolated and identified from Thamnosma texana. They were xanthotoxin, imperatorin, bergapten, alloimperatorin methyl ether epoxide, heraclenin, isopimpinellin, psoralen, oxypeucedanin, and the coumarins herniarin, osthol and thamnosmin. The linear furocoumarins appear to be agents that account for the known photosensitizing properties of Thamnosma texana, and consequently its colloquial name, ‘blisterweed.’ This is the first report on the occurrence of imperatorin, heraclenin, oxypeucedanin, herniarin or osthol in any Thamnosma species.
Keywords:Rutaceae  furocoumarins  psoralen  bergapten  xanthotoxin  isopimpinellin  imperatorin  alloimperatorin methyl ether epoxide  heraclenin  oxypeucedanin  photosensitization.
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