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Interline differences in morphology of the precentromeric region of polytene X-chromosome in Drosophila melanogaster salivary glands]
Authors:T D Kolesnikova  D E Koriakov  V F Semeshin  E S Beliaeva  I F Zhimulev
Affiliation:Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia.
Abstract:Morphology of the Drosophila melanogaster polytene X chromosome section 20 in normal flies, in strains carrying inversions that break pericentric heterochromatin at different points, and at the background of the Su(UR)ES mutation has been examined. In all of the strains carrying the Su(UR)ES mutation section 20 displayed a distinct banding pattern till to the section 20F, while in the wild-type strains this region was represented by beta-heterochromatin. The strains carrying different inversions substantially differed in the number and morphology of bands forming section 20. In the Su(UR)ES mutants the most proximal X chromosome euchromatin gene, su(f), is mapped to the boundary between sections 20E and F, while rDNA forming the middle part of the X chromosome mitotic heterochromatin is located in the proximal part of section 20F. All large bands observed in section 20 of the w; Su(UR)ES strain were also present in In(1)sc4; Su(UR)ES, which breaks heterochromatin in the distal part. Hence, the bands of polytene chromosome section 20 are virtually devoid of mitotic heterochromatin.
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