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Renaturation and Hybridization Studies of Mitochondrial DNA
Authors:Igor B. Dawid and David R. Wolstenholme
The products of the renaturation reaction of mitochondrial DNA from oocytes of Xenopus laevis have been studied by electron microscopy and CsCl equilibrium density gradient centrifugation. The reaction leads to the formation of intermediates containing single-stranded and double-stranded regions. Further reactions of these intermediates result in large complexes of interlinking double-stranded filaments. The formation of circular molecules of the same length as native circles of mitochondrial DNA was also observed. The formation of common high molecular weight complexes during joint reannealing of two DNA's with complementary sequences was used as a method to detect sequence homology in different DNA samples. Although this method does not produce quantitative data it offers several advantages in the present study. No homologies could be detected between the nuclear DNA and the mitochondrial DNA of X. laevis or of Rana pipiens. In interspecies comparisons homologies were found between the nuclear DNA's of X. laevis and the mouse and between the mitochondrial DNA's of X. laevis and the chick, but none between the mitochondrial DNA's of X. laevis and yeast. These results are interpreted as indicating the continuity of mitochondrial DNA during evolution.
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