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Influence of aluminum and phosphorus on growth and xylem sap composition in Melastoma malabathricum L.
Authors:Watanabe  Toshihiro  Osaki  Mitsuru
Affiliation:(1) Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, 060-8589, Japan;(2) Present address: Japan International Center for Agricultural Sciences, 1-1 Ohwashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8686, Japan;(3) Japan Science and Technology Corporation, DOMESTIC RESEARCH FELLOW., Japan
Abstract:Melastoma (Melastoma malabathricum L.) is an aluminum-accumulating woody plant that accumulates more than 10 000 mg kg–1 of aluminum (Al) in mature leaves. The influence of Al and phosphorus (P) applications on plant growth and xylem sap was examined in the present study in order to elucidate the interaction between Al-induced growth enhancement and P nutrition, and to determine the form of Al for translocation from roots to shoots. Although the Al application significantly increased the growth of Melastomaseedlings with the high P pre-treatment, and P concentrations in the leaves and Pi concentrations in the xylem sap regardless of the P pre-treatment, we could not come to the conclusion that a primary cause of the Al-induced growth enhancement in Melastoma is the stimulation of P uptake. The degree of Al-induced growth enhancement corresponded not with the P concentrations but with the Al concentrations in the plant tissue, suggesting that the Al-induced growth enhancement in Melastoma is primarily caused by Al itself in the plant tissue rather than by the stimulation of P uptake. Through the analysis of organic acids and Al in the xylem sap and plant tissue, the form of Al for translocation from roots to shoots was shown to be an Al-citrate complex that was transformed into Al-oxalate complex for Al storage in the leaves. In addition, the xylem sap of Melastoma seedlings grown in the absence of Al contained higher concentrations of malate. In the presence of Al, however, higher concentrations of citrate were found, indicating that Melastoma changes its organic acid metabolism in the presence or absence of Al; more specifically, it increases the synthesis of citrate.
Keywords:aluminum-accumulator plant  Melastoma malabathricum L.  organic acid  phosphorus  xylem sap
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