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Importance of organic phosphate hydrolyzed in stalks of the lotic diatom Didymosphenia geminata and the possible impact of atmospheric and climatic changes
Authors:N. T. W. Ellwood  B. A. Whitton
Affiliation:(1) School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, University of Durham, Durham, DH1 3LE, UK;(2) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università Roma Tre, Largo San Leonardo Murialdo 1, Roma, 00146, Italy
Abstract:The aquatic colonial stalked diatom, Didymosphenia geminata, has acquired notoriety in recent years because of huge increases in many rivers of temperate regions. However, in some streams in northern England it has probably or, in the case of the R. Coquet (Northumberland), certainly been abundant for many decades. The paper describes the nutrient environment and phosphatase activities of Didymosphenia in Stony Gill (N. Yorkshire), a fast-flowing stream draining an upland catchment with peaty soils overlying limestone. Organic phosphate formed 85% of the filtrable phosphate in the water during the study (January–August 2000), with a maximum in April. Colonies were most abundant in June, but had disappeared by August. Surface phosphomonoesterase (PMEase) and phosphodiesterase activities assayed from March to July showed low PMEase activity in early March, but otherwise both were high throughout the period and especially so in June and July. Use of BCIP-NBT staining procedure showed that PMEase activity occurred in the stalks. A more detailed study of colony structure and staining with material from the R. Coquet in June 2006 also showed marked PMEase activity, with staining localized in the upper part of the stalks and the cells remaining unstained. It is suggested that organic phosphate is hydrolyzed in the stalk and the inorganic phosphate passes to the cell via a central tube in the stalk. It seems likely that organic phosphate as a major P source is a key factor favouring the success of Didymosphenia. The possible impact of environmental changes in the catchment such as climatic warming, C loss from peat and atmospheric N deposition is discussed. Handling editor: L. Naselli-Flores
Keywords:Organic phosphate   Didymosphenia   Stalk, Phosphatase staining  Catchment  Climate change  Atmospheric N deposition
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