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引用本文:彭羽 蒋高明 牛书丽 刘美珍 丁圣彦 刘书润. 浑善达克沙地中部典型固定沙丘植物群落分析[J]. 西北植物学报, 2006, 26(7): 1414-1419
作者姓名:彭羽 蒋高明 牛书丽 刘美珍 丁圣彦 刘书润
作者单位:河南大学生态科学与技术研究所,中国科学院植物研究所植被数量生态学重点开放实验室,中国科学院植物研究所植被数量生态学重点开放实验室,中国科学院植物研究所植被数量生态学重点开放实验室,河南大学生态科学与技术研究所,内蒙古教育学院 河南开封475001,中国科学院植物研究所植被数量生态学重点开放实验室,北京100093,北京100093,北京100093,北京100093,河南开封475001,呼和浩特010010
摘    要:运用常规取样方法,2003年夏季对位于浑善达克沙地中部典型固定沙丘的植物群落进行了实地调查分析。结果表明,固定沙丘植物群落由阳坡、阴坡、沙脊、腰地、落沙坡、丘顶和风蚀坑植物群落组成,阴坡植物种类复杂,主要为耐阴乔木半乔木 灌木 柳灌丛类,群落较为稳定;阳坡主要以褐沙蒿、雾冰藜和虫实为主,种类组成较为简单,退化严重;沙脊为沙蒿 半旱生杂草类;腰地形成木岩黄芪 半灌木半旱生杂草类;落沙地形成虫实 狗尾草优势群落;风蚀坑形成狗尾草 虫实 褐沙蒿优势群落;顶部则形成虫实(63%)单优势群落。固定沙丘植物群落退化严重,需要加强保护,控制放牧强度,防止沙丘活化。

关 键 词:浑善达克沙地  固定沙丘  植物群落

Communities of Typical Sand Dune-fixed Plants in the Central Part of Otindag Sandy Region
PENG Yu,JIANG Gao-ming,NIU Shu-li,LIU Mei-zhen,DING Sheng-yan,LIU Shu-run. Communities of Typical Sand Dune-fixed Plants in the Central Part of Otindag Sandy Region[J]. Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica, 2006, 26(7): 1414-1419
Authors:PENG Yu  JIANG Gao-ming  NIU Shu-li  LIU Mei-zhen  DING Sheng-yan  LIU Shu-run
Affiliation:1 Institute of Ecological Science and Technology, Henan University, Kaifeng, Henan, 475001, China; 2 Laboratory of Quantitative Vegetation Ecology, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China;3 Inner Mongolia Education College, Huhhot 010010,China
Abstract:The communities of typical sand dune-fixed plants in the central part of Otindag Sandy Region were investigated in a conventional way in the summer of 2003,which showed that the communities mainly include the communities distributing on south-facing,north facing and sand-deposited slopes and ridge and dune tops and in slope depressions and wind hollows.On north-facing slopes,there are diverse kinds of plants,which include shade-tolerant arbors and semi-arbors,shrubs,and willow scrubs and form stable communities.On south-facing slopes,there was a simple composition of plants that is dominated by Artemisia intramongolica,Bassia dasyphylla and Corispermum heptapotamicum and suffers severe degeneration;Artemisia intramongolica and semi-xerophyte grasses dominated on sand ridges and Hedysarum fruticosum,semi-shrubs and semi-xerophytes distributes in slope depressions.On sand-deposited lands there exist the communities dominated by both Corispermum heptapotamicum and Setaria viridis and in wind hollows there are the communities dominated only by Corispermum heptapotamicum(63%).The communities of these sand dune-fixed plants suffer severe degeneration and thus need enhanced protection,grazing control and prevention of sand dunes from becoming mobile.
Keywords:Otindag Sandy Region  sand dune-fixing  florae  
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