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Evolution of monogamous marriage by maximization of inclusive fitness
Affiliation:1. Department of Anthropology, University College London, London, UK;2. Present address: School of Biology, University of St Andrews, Queen's Terrace, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9TS, UK;3. Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK;4. Present address: Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, 26 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
Abstract:The majority of human societies allow polygynous marriage, and the prevalence of this practice is readily understood in evolutionary terms. Why some societies prescribe monogamous marriage is however not clear: current evolutionary explanations—that social monogamy increases within‐group co‐operation, giving societies an advantage in competition with other groups—conflict with the historical and ethnographic evidence. We show that, within the framework of inclusive fitness theory, monogamous marriage can be viewed as the outcome of the strategic behaviour of males and females in the allocation of resources to the next generation. Where resources are transferred across generations, social monogamy can be advantageous if partitioning of resources among the offspring of multiple wives causes a depletion of their fitness value, and/or if females grant husbands higher fidelity in exchange for exclusive investment of resources in their offspring. This may explain why monogamous marriage prevailed among the historical societies of Eurasia: here, intensive agriculture led to scarcity of land, with depletion in the value of estates through partitioning among multiple heirs. Norms promoting high paternity were common among ancient societies in the region, and may have further facilitated the establishment of social monogamy. In line with the historical and ethnographic evidence, this suggests that monogamous marriage emerged in Eurasia following the adoption of intensive agriculture, as ownership of land became critical to productive and reproductive success.
Keywords:human behavioural ecology  human social behaviour  inclusive fitness  kin selection  marriage  monogamy  paternity  polygyny  social norms  strategic behaviour  wealth inheritance
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