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HPLC on chiral support with polarimetric detection: application to conglomerate discovery
Authors:Roussel Christian  Vanthuyne Nicolas  Jobert Jean-Laurent  Loas Andrei I  Tanase Anca E  Gherase Dragos
Affiliation:UMR Chirotechnologies, Catalyse et Biocatalyse, Université Paul Cézanne, 13397 Marseille Cedex 20, France. christian.roussel@univ-cezanne.fr
In conglomerates, each single crystal contains only one of the two possible enantiomeric forms--either dextrorotatory or levorotatory. The analysis of a single crystal by liquid chromatography on chiral support associated with chiroptical detection is a very efficient tool to reveal the occurrence of a conglomerate. In terms of rapidity and easiness, this method compares favorably with the classical methods used to show this occurrence. Two examples are provided.
Keywords:enantiomer resolution  chiral liquid chromatography  chiral stationary phase  semipreparative chromatography  hydrobenzoine
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