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引用本文:詹婧,阳贵德,孙庆业. 铜尾矿废弃地生物土壤结皮固氮微生物多样性[J]. 应用生态学报, 2014, 25(6): 1765
作者姓名:詹婧  阳贵德  孙庆业
作者单位:(安徽大学资源与环境工程学院, 合肥 230601)
摘    要:生物土壤结皮能够有效提高矿业废弃地有机质和氮的积累,促进植被的恢复.本研究基于固氮微生物的nifH基因多样性,以铜陵铜尾矿废弃地3种类型的生物土壤结皮(藻结皮、藓结皮和藻-藓混合结皮)为对象,利用变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)技术研究生物土壤结皮中固氮微生物的多样性以及废弃地植物群落发育对其产生的影响.结果表明: 尾矿库裸地表面的藻结皮的固氮微生物多样性最高,其次为维管植物群落下的藻-藓混合结皮,苔藓结皮的固氮蓝藻多样性最低;随着维管植物群落高度和盖度的增加,固氮微生物多样性降低,铜尾矿废弃地的pH、水分、有机质、养分含量(氮和磷)以及有效态和总重金属浓度对固氮微生物多样性的影响均不显著.测序和系统发育分析表明,废弃地结皮中固氮微生物以蓝藻为主,主要为不具有异形胞的丝状蓝藻.

关 键 词:生物土壤结皮  固氮  微生物多样性  矿业废弃地  PCR-DGGE

Diversity of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms in biological soil crusts of copper mine wastelands.
ZHAN Jing,YANG Gui-de,SUN Qing-ye. Diversity of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms in biological soil crusts of copper mine wastelands.[J]. The journal of applied ecology, 2014, 25(6): 1765
Authors:ZHAN Jing  YANG Gui-de  SUN Qing-ye
Affiliation:(School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Anhui University, Hefei 230601, China)
Abstract:Biological soil crusts play an important role in increasing the accumulation of organic matter and nitrogen in re-vegetated mining wastelands. The diversity of nitrogen fixing microorganisms in three types of biological soil crusts (algal crust, moss crust and algal moss crust) from two wastelands of copper mine tailings were investigated by polymerase chain reaction denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, based on the nifH gene of diazotrophs, to investigate: The diversity of nifH gene in the crusts of mine wastelands, and whether and how the nifH gene diversity in the crusts could be affected by the development of plant communities. The algal crust on the barren area displayed the highest nifH gene diversity, followed by the algal moss crusts within vascular plant communities, and the moss crust displayed the lowest nifH gene diversity. The diversity of diazotrophs in algal moss crust within vascular plant communities decreased with the increase of height and cover of vascular plant communities. No significant relationship was found between wasteland properties (pH, water content, contents of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus and heavy metal concentration) and nifH gene diversity in the crusts. Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis indicated that most nitrogen fixing taxa in the crusts of mine wastelands belonged to Cyanobacteria, especially nonheterocystous filamentous Cyanobacteria.
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