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引用本文:吕海迪 周逢海 郭秀全 王养民. TGF-beta在前列腺癌骨转移中的研究进展[J]. 现代生物医学进展, 2014, 14(24): 4773-4775
作者姓名:吕海迪 周逢海 郭秀全 王养民
摘    要:进展期前列腺癌多会发生骨转移,导致患者骨质破坏甚至死亡。前列腺癌发生骨转移的机制目前尚未研究清楚。既往多认为是因为前列腺癌细胞表面携带者容易在骨环境中生长的表型。但是目前多认为是肿瘤细胞与骨骼微环境之间的相互作用导致的结果。它们之间是通过细胞因子来传递信息。在众多因子中,TGF-beta对前列腺癌骨转移灶中的各种细胞都起着重要作用。研究表明在体外实验中TGF-beta的作用极易受到细胞生长环境的影响,表现出不同的功能。这提示着TGF-beta信号通路和其他信号通路之间存在非常强的交互作用。本文的重点在于对TGF-beta在前列腺癌骨转移中的作用研究进展进行综述,阐述TGF-beta对转移灶中不同细胞的作用,为今后肿瘤的治疗研究寻找一个好的方向。

关 键 词:前列腺癌;骨转移;转化生长因子- beta

Effects of Transforming Growth Factor-beta on Prostate CancerBone Metastases
LV Hai-di,ZHOU Peng-hai,GUO Xiu-quan,WANG Yang-min. Effects of Transforming Growth Factor-beta on Prostate CancerBone Metastases[J]. Progress in Modern Biomedicine, 2014, 14(24): 4773-4775
Authors:LV Hai-di  ZHOU Peng-hai  GUO Xiu-quan  WANG Yang-min
Abstract:Advanced-stage prostate cancers frequently metastasize to the bones and cause bone destruction, even death, but theunderlying mechanism is not fully understood. Early explanations for the preferential bone metastasis of prostate cancer are that prostatetumors have specific phenotypes that facilitate growth in the bone. However, recent studies have highlighted the importance of thebidirectional interactions between the bone microenvironment and the prostate cancer cells. They use cytokines to communicate witheach other. In many factors, TGF-beta plays an important role for different kind of cells in Prostate cancer bone metastases. Studiesindicated that effects of TGF-beta could be easily influenced by the microenvironment in which the cells were cultured. And this promptedthat a very strong interaction exist between different signal pathways. In this review, we discussed the effects of TGF-beta on different kinds of cell to get a better understanding of the complex tumor/microenvironment interplay and found a more effective therapies for patients with prostate cancer bone metastases.
Keywords:Prostate cancer   Bone metastases   TGF-beta
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