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Model of the outer membrane potential generation by the inner membrane of mitochondria.
Authors:Victor V Lemeshko
Institution:Department of Physics, National University of Colombia, Medellin Branch, AA3840 Medellin, Colombia. vvasilie@perseus.unalmed.edu.co
Abstract:Voltage-dependent anion channels in the outer mitochondrial membrane are strongly regulated by electrical potential. In this work, one of the possible mechanisms of the outer membrane potential generation is proposed. We suggest that the inner membrane potential may be divided on two resistances in series, the resistance of the contact sites between the inner and outer membranes and the resistance of the voltage-dependent anion channels localized beyond the contacts in the outer membrane. The main principle of the proposed mechanism is illustrated by simplified electric and kinetic models. Computational behavior of the kinetic model shows a restriction of the steady-state metabolite flux through the mitochondrial membranes at relatively high concentration of the external ADP. The flux restriction was caused by a decrease of the voltage across the contact sites and by an increase in the outer membrane potential (up to +60 mV) leading to the closure of the voltage-dependent anion channels localized beyond the contact sites. This mechanism suggests that the outer membrane potential may arrest ATP release through the outer membrane beyond the contact sites, thus tightly coordinating mitochondrial metabolism and aerobic glycolysis in tumor and normal proliferating cells.
Keywords:Δψ  the IMMP  Δψc  the intermembrane contact sites voltage  Δψo  the OMMP  G-Pi1?  glucose-6-phosphate  Pr  end products of glucose-6-phosphate metabolism  gAV  the conductance of the intermembrane contact sites resulted from the ATP4?/ADP3? exchange  RAV = 1/gAV  gV  the conductance of the VDAC beyond the contacts  RV = 1/gV  gH  the proton conductance of the H+-ATP synthase  gL  the proton leak across the IMM  Er  the redox potentials difference in the coupling sites of the respiratory chain  gr  the inner conductance of the battery Er  Cm  electric capacity of the IMM  JL  the proton leak across the IMM  JH  the IMM proton flux across the H+-ATP synthase  JAV  the flux of ATP4? across the intermembrane contact sites in exchange for ADP3? that is equal to the flux of Pi1? across the OMM and IMM at steady state  Ja  the flux of Pi across the OMM and IMM  the rate of ATP synthesis  or ATP/ADP exchange through the intermembrane contact sites  a  the voltage sensitivity of VDAC according to Eq  (5)
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