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Effect of simulated macroalgae on the fish assemblage associated with a temperate reef system
Authors:T. Vega Ferná  ndez,G. D'Anna,A. Pé  rez-Ruzafa
Affiliation:a CNR — IAMC, Laboratory of Marine Ecology, Via G. da Verrazzano 17, Castellammare del Golfo (TP), 91014, Italy
b Department of Ecology and Hydrology, University of Murcia, Campus Universitario de Espinardo, Murcia, 30011, Spain
Abstract:Increased habitat complexity is supposed to promote increased diversity, abundance and biomass. This study tested the effect of the macroalgal cover on temperate reef fishes by mimicking macroalgae on artificial reefs in NW Sicily (Mediterranean Sea). Macroalgal cover affected reef fishes in different ways and independently of intrinsic temporal trends. The fish assemblages of manipulated and control artificial reef units differed in the relative abundances of the associated species, but little in species composition. In line with studies in seagrass habitats, fishes were most abundant in reefs covered by artificial macroalgae. Three species (Boops boops, Serranus scriba and Symphodus ocellatus) exhibited consistently greater abundance on vegetated reef units than on control reef units. The total number of species and the abundance of three particular species (S. scriba, S. ocellatus and Thalassoma pavo) displayed temporal trends which were independent on short and large temporal scales. Only fish total biomass and one species (Spicara flexuosa) displayed strong effects of interaction among the experimental factors. Mechanisms to explain these findings are discussed from observational evidence on habitat use and interactions among multiple species. This study highlights that manipulative experiments involving repeated sampling of fish in artificial habitats appear to be a valid approach to study fish-habitat relationships in fluctuating environments. It is also concluded that macroalgae mimics may serve as a tool for restoring lost marine vegetated habitats when current human-induced conditions prevent the recovery of pristine macroalgal stands.
Keywords:Assemblage structure   Artificial algae   Canopy restoration   Habitat complexity   Habitat structure   Repeated measures
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