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Authors:Grant G. Mitman  John P. van der Meer
The discovery in the early 1980s that meiosis occurs during germination of conchospores of Porphyra yezoensis Ueda suggested that the sexually divided fronds of Porphyra purpurea (Roth) C. Agardh might similarly originate from meiotic segregation of a pair of sex-determining alleles during early sporeling development. After establishing conditions suitable for propagating P. purpurea in culture, observations on developing sporelings demonstrated that meiosis takes place during the first two divisions of the germinating conchospores. In the first division, the spore is split into an upper and lower cell. In the second, an anticlinal division in the upper cell yields two daughter cells situated one beside the other, and a periclinal division in the bottom cell gives two cells arranged one above the other. Thus, during normal development, the first four cells of the sporeling constitute a meiotic tetrad whose cells are arranged in a characteristic fashion. Stable color mutants of P. purpurea were isolated, genetically characterized, and used as genetic markers to follow the fate of individual cells of the tetrad during subsequent frond development. Nearly the entire blade of the mature thallus is derived from the two upper cells of the tetrad, with the two lower cells mostly giving rise to the rhizoidal holdfast region. Cell lineage boundaries laid down by the segregation of color alleles at meiosis corresponded perfectly with those later defined by sexual differentiation on the same fronds, strongly supporting the hypothesis that sex determination in P. purpurea is controlled by alleles at a segregating chromosomal locus.
Keywords:biparental inheritance  genetics  maternal inheritance  meiosis  Mendelian inheritance  mitosis  mutagenesis  mutant  Porphyra purpurea  Rhodophyta  second-division segregation  sex determination
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