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Investigations into the Possibility that Potato Buds Synthesize Cytokinins
Authors:van STADEN, J.   BROWN, N. A. C.
Abstract:In an attempt to determine whether potato buds synthesize cytokinins,tubers and potato pieces were subjected to conditions whichboth retard and accelerate bud development. Cytokinin activitywas recorded in the tubers and sprouts under different experimentalconditions. Most of the compounds detected had chromatographicproperties resembling those of zeatin, zeatin riboside, andzeatin glucoside. It would appear as if the buds and sproutsdo not synthesize cytokinins. Initial bud growth may be dependenton the supply of cytokinins within the mother tubers, whilethe increase in the sprouts could be the result of root developmentat their basal ends.
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