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Calcium Is Essential for the Major Pseudopilin in the Type 2 Secretion System
Authors:Konstantin V Korotkov  Miranda D Gray  Allison Kreger  Stewart Turley  Maria Sandkvist  and Wim G J Hol
Institution:From the Department of Biochemistry, Biomolecular Structure Center, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195 and ;the §Department of Microbiology and Immunology, the University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
Abstract:The pseudopilus is a key feature of the type 2 secretion system (T2SS) and is made up of multiple pseudopilins that are similar in fold to the type 4 pilins. However, pilins have disulfide bridges, whereas the major pseudopilins of T2SS do not. A key question is therefore how the pseudopilins, and in particular, the most abundant major pseudopilin, GspG, obtain sufficient stability to perform their function. Crystal structures of Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio vulnificus, and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) GspG were elucidated, and all show a calcium ion bound at the same site. Conservation of the calcium ligands fully supports the suggestion that calcium ion binding by the major pseudopilin is essential for the T2SS. Functional studies of GspG with mutated calcium ion-coordinating ligands were performed to investigate this hypothesis and show that in vivo protease secretion by the T2SS is severely impaired. Taking all evidence together, this allows the conclusion that, in complete contrast to the situation in the type 4 pili system homologs, in the T2SS, the major protein component of the central pseudopilus is dependent on calcium ions for activity.In Gram-negative bacteria, the type 2 secretion system (T2SS)2 is used for the secretion of several important proteins across the outer membrane (1). The T2SS is also called the terminal branch of the general secretory pathway (Gsp) (2) and, in Vibrio species, the extracellular protein secretion (Eps) apparatus (3). This sophisticated multiprotein machinery spans both the inner and the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria and contains 11–15 different proteins. The T2SS consists of three major subassemblies (49): (i) the outer membrane complex comprising mainly the crucial multisubunit secretin GspD; (ii) the pseudopilus, which consists of one major and several minor pseudopilins; and (iii) an inner membrane platform, containing the cytoplasmic secretion ATPase GspE and the membrane proteins GspL, GspM, GspC, and GspF.The pseudopilus is a key element of the T2SS that forms a helical fiber spanning the periplasm. The fiber is assembled from multiple subunits of the major pseudopilin GspG (4, 5, 1014). The pseudopilus is thought to form a plug of the secretin pore in the outer membrane and/or to function as a piston during protein secretion. In recent years, studies of the T2SS pseudopilins led to structure determinations of all individual pseudopilins (13, 1517). The recent structure of the helical ternary complex of GspK-GspI-GspJ suggested that these three minor pseudopilins form the tip of the pseudopilus (17). A crystal structure of GspG from Klebsiella oxytoca was in a previous study combined with electron microscopy data to arrive at a helical arrangement, with no evidence for special features, such as disulfide bridges, other covalent links, or metal-binding sites, for stabilizing this major pseudopilin or the pseudopilus (13).The pseudopilins of the T2SS share a common fold with the type 4 pilins (1521). Pilins are proteins incorporated into pili, long appendages on the surface of bacteria forming thin, strong fibers with multiple functions (19, 21). Type 4 pilins and pseudopilins contain a prepilin leader sequence that is cleaved off by a prepilin peptidase, yielding mature protein (10, 11, 22). A distinct feature of the type 4 pilins is the occurrence of a disulfide bridge connecting β4 to a Cys in the so-called “D-region” near the C terminus (21). In a recent study (23) on the thin fibers of Gram-positive bacteria, isopeptide units appeared to be essential for providing these filaments sufficient cohesion and stability. A key question was therefore whether the major pseudopilin GspG also requires a special feature to obtain sufficient stability to perform its function.
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