A Conserved Na+ Binding Site of the Sodium-coupled Neutral Amino Acid Transporter 2 (SNAT2) |
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Authors: | Zhou Zhang Thomas Albers Heather L. Fiumera Armanda Gameiro Christof Grewer |
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Affiliation: | From the ‡College of Life and Environment Sciences, Shanghai Normal University, 100 Guilin Road, Shanghai 200234, China and ;the Departments of §Chemistry and ;¶Biological Sciences, Binghamton University, Binghamton, New York 13902 |
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Abstract: | The SLC38 family of solute transporters mediates the coupled transport of amino acids and Na+ into or out of cells. The structural basis for this coupled transport process is not known. Here, a profile-based sequence analysis approach was used, predicting a distant relationship with the SLC5/6 transporter families. Homology models using the LeuTAa and Mhp1 transporters of known structure as templates were established, predicting the location of a conserved Na+ binding site in the center of membrane helices 1 and 8. This homology model was tested experimentally in the SLC38 member SNAT2 by analyzing the effect of a mutation to Thr-384, which is predicted to be part of this Na+ binding site. The results show that the T384A mutation not only inhibits the anion leak current, which requires Na+ binding to SNAT2, but also dramatically lowers the Na+ affinity of the transporter. This result is consistent with a previous analysis of the N82A mutant transporter, which has a similar effect on anion leak current and Na+ binding and which is also expected to form part of the Na+ binding site. In contrast, random mutations to other sites in the transporter had little or no effect on Na+ affinity. Our results are consistent with a cation binding site formed by transmembrane helices 1 and 8 that is conserved among the SLC38 transporters as well as among many other bacterial and plant transporter families of unknown structure, which are homologous to SLC38.The sodium-coupled neutral amino acid transporter, SNAT2,2 belongs to the SLC38 gene family of solute carrier proteins (1). Together with SNAT1 and -4 (2), it is believed to mediate Na+-dependent amino acid transport activity that was classically assigned to System A transporters (3–8). In addition to SNAT1 and -2, the SLC38 family has four other known members, two of which predominantly mediate glutamine transport (SNAT3 and -5, System N (9–11)). SNAT2 is widely expressed in mammalian tissue (1, 7), but it may play a particularly critical role in the brain (12), where it may help shuttle glutamine from astrocytes to neurons via the glutamate-glutamine cycle (1). This process is essential for recycling the neurotransmitter glutamate (13). However, the exact contribution of SNAT2 to the glutamate-glutamine cycle is still controversially discussed (14).Despite this physiological importance, surprisingly little is known about the functional properties and the structural basis of amino acid transport by the SLC38 proteins. Although hydropathy analysis predicts 11 transmembrane helices (TMs), with an intracellular N terminus and an extracellular C terminus (1), it is not clear whether the transporters belong to a large superfamily of transporters, of which members have been characterized structurally through x-ray crystallography. At present, sequence homology has only been established with transporters of the mammalian SLC32 and SLC36 families as well as with the more distantly related plant auxin carriers and the bacterial amino acid-polyamine-organocation (APC) family (15, 16). High resolution crystal structures are not available for any of the transporters from these families, although low resolution projection structures were recently reported for the APC family members AdiC (17) and SteT (18). However, these structures do not allow the assignment of transmembrane helices. Thus, it remains unknown whether the SLC38 fold is similar to established transport protein folds, although homology to the major facilitator superfamily seems unlikely.We have recently identified a conserved amino acid residue in SNAT2, Asn-82, which is involved in controlling the Na+ affinity of the transporter (19). Interestingly, Asn-82 is localized in the predicted TM1 of SNAT2. This first transmembrane helix was recently found to contribute ligands to a Na+ binding site in several bacterial transporters, which are related to the SLC5 (sodium glucose symporter) and SLC6 (sodium- and chloride-dependent neurotransmitter transporter) family members (20–22), which also comprises bacterial members (23, 24). Although sequence similarity with SLC5 and -6 is not detectable, SLC38 may be a member of a possibly very large superfamily with the same general fold, which also contains many amino acid transport proteins.Here, we used a homology modeling approach based on profile-based sequence alignment (25, 26). A search against sequences deposited in the Protein Data Bank (PDB (27)) revealed that the transporters with the highest likelihood to share an analogous fold are a leucine transporter from Aquifex aeolicus, LeuTAa, and a homologous hydantoin transporter from Microbacterium liquefaciens, Mhp1. We established a homology model based on these structures, which predicts Asn-82 to be part of a Na+ binding site. Furthermore, another conserved hydrophilic amino acid residue in TM8, Thr-384, was predicted to be near this cation binding site. When Thr-384 was mutated to alanine, a dramatic loss of the affinity of SNAT2 for Na+ was observed, whereas mutations to other sites that were spatially removed from the predicted Na+ binding site had little or no effect on Na+ affinity. We hypothesize that the SLC38 family is a member of a large superfamily of cation/organic substrate transporters which includes the mammalian SLC5 and -6 proteins and which has a conserved cation binding site formed by TMs 1 and 8. |
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