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Role of the vitellus in the block to polyspermy in golden hamster eggs
Authors:J. Menezes  J. Peter
Abstract:The block to polyspermy in golden hamster eggs is believed to operate only at the zona pellucida. However, changes in the egg vitellus also prevent further entry of capacitated sperm. When zona-free hamster eggs spontaneously activated in vitro, and in vivo fertilized eggs at pronuclear stage were inseminated with capacitated human sperm, penetration did not occur. In the case of a homologous system using hamster sperm and in vivo fertilized hamster eggs, slight attachment of sperm was observed but no penetration. The cortical granules were found to be released in spontaneously activated and in fertilized eggs as observed by phase contrast microscopy. These observations suggest that the egg vitellus plays a role in the block to poiyspermy in addition to that of the zona block.
Keywords:vitellus  egg  block to polyspermy
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