Abstract: | The blue-green alga Synechococcus linearis (Naeg.) Kom. was grown in P- and N-limited chemostats over a range of potentially limiting irradiances in order to determine the combined effects of light and nutrient limitation on some aspects of the composition and metabolism of this alga. Over a narrow range of low irradiances, simultaneous limitation of growth rate by light and either N or P was shown. This simultaneous limitation of growth rate by a nutrient and a physical factor can be explained by the ability of an increased supply of one to compensate in part for a decreased supply of the other. At all irradiances, the internal concentration of the limiting nutrient increased with increasing dilution rate, and the results could be fitted to the Droop relationship. With decreasing irradiance, the internal concentration of the limiting nutrient increased. There appeared to be little or no effect of light on the minimum internal concentration of P but that of N increased with decreasing light. Both chlorophyll a and biliprotein per unit particulate C increased with increasing dilution rate and decreasing irradiance. The critical N/P ratio increased with decreasing light as the N requirement of N-limited cells increased faster than did the P requirement of P-limited cells. The composition of exponentially growing cells in complete medium varied much less with light. Neither dilution rate nor irradiance during growth had a great effect on saturated rates of P or N uptake or alkaline phosphatase activity. Calculated assimilation ratios increased with light and dilution rate. The role of the flexibility of nutrient composition in adaptation to adverse conditions and the implications of the results for the use of physiological indicators of nutrient status are discussed. |