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Phytobenthos and macrozoobenthos of the Slupsk Bank stony reefs,Baltic Sea
Authors:Andrulewicz  Eugeniusz  Kruk-Dowgiallo  Lidia  Osowiecki  Andrzej
Affiliation:1. Department of Oceanography and Marine Ecology, Sea Fisheries Institute, Kollataja 1
2. Maritime Institute, Laboratory of Ecology, Abrahama 1, 80-307, Gdańsk, Poland
Abstract:The stony reefs of the Slupsk Bank were studied in July 1999 using hydroacoustic methods, underwater photography and video. Samples of macroalgae and associated fauna were collected by divers using a specially designed sampler. The results of the research indicate that this area is a unique site in the southern Baltic Sea. The high diversity of macroalgae and associated fauna, including the occurrence of three algal species endangered in the Polish coastal zone, is particularly of interest. The Slupsk Bank is also a feeding ground for many wintering birds. For these reasons, it is proposed that the site is designated as an open sea Helsinki Commission Baltic Sea Protected Area (HELCOM BSPA). It is also proposed that it is used as a reference area for ecosystem structure and ecotoxicological studies.
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