Abstract: | In experiments on asynchronous population of HeLa S3 cells a study was made of the possibility of assessing DNA lesions which remained unrepaired for a long period of time following gamma-irradiation: in generation "O" directly affected by radiation and in generation "I" following the irradiated one. The presence of DNA damages was estimated by the reduction in survival of exposed cells incubated with inhibitors of repair and replicative syntheses of DNA, namely, with arabinoside cytosine and hydroxyurea. A considerable enhancement of the radiation effect was noted with the inhibitors added 0-6 h after irradiation (generation "O"), and a marked increase in the cell death was registered with the preparations injected 24-30 h after exposure (generation "I"). It is assumed that minor residual lesions persist in the generation of cells, following the one directly affected by gamma-radiation, which have completed the first postirradiation mitosis. |