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引用本文:李京秀 刘 璟璐 鱼龙浩 戴颖楠 闫述钧 朱晓龙 李 馨 董玉梅 金恩泽 李学奇. 高尿酸血症与高血压病相关性的研究进展[J]. 现代生物医学进展, 2015, 15(5): 969-971
作者姓名:李京秀 刘 璟璐 鱼龙浩 戴颖楠 闫述钧 朱晓龙 李 馨 董玉梅 金恩泽 李学奇
摘    要:
尿酸是人体内嘌呤代谢的最终产物,当尿酸生成增多和/或排出减少时,均可引起血中尿酸盐浓度增高。当血尿酸水平男性大于7.0 mg/dl,女性大于6.0 mg/dl称为高尿酸血症。作为嘌呤代谢紊乱所致疾病,高尿酸血症以往仅侧重于痛风性关节炎、痛风石沉积和肾尿酸结石形成等的诊断与治疗。目前新近研究表明:高尿酸血症可能是高血压病的独立危险因素之一且尿酸水平增高通常早于高血压的发生与进展,干预尿酸水平有望成为高血压治疗的新靶点,随着高血压研究的全球化深入,对于尿酸及尿酸水平增高的流行病学、基础学与临床方面的研究也日益备受关注。基于此,本文对尿酸的合成与代谢;高尿酸血症成因及其与高血压的流行病学研究;高尿酸血症通过引发一氧化氮合成水平减低、血管平滑肌细胞生物学行为改变、机体炎症与氧化应激反应及肾素-血管紧张素系统激活等方面所致高血压的发病机制;高尿酸血症干预治疗对于高血压病的转归进行简要综述。

关 键 词:尿酸  高尿酸血症  高血压病

Research Progress of Uric Acid, Hyperuriemia and Hypersion
LI Jing-xiu;LIU Jing-lu;YU Long-hao;DAI Ying-nan;YAN Shu-jun;ZHU Xiao-long;LI Xin;DONG Yu-mei;JIN En-ze;LI Xue-qi. Research Progress of Uric Acid, Hyperuriemia and Hypersion[J]. Progress in Modern Biomedicine, 2015, 15(5): 969-971
Authors:LI Jing-xiu  LIU Jing-lu  YU Long-hao  DAI Ying-nan  YAN Shu-jun  ZHU Xiao-long  LI Xin  DONG Yu-mei  JIN En-ze  LI Xue-qi
Affiliation:LI Jing-xiu;LIU Jing-lu;YU Long-hao;DAI Ying-nan;YAN Shu-jun;ZHU Xiao-long;LI Xin;DONG Yu-mei;JIN En-ze;LI Xue-qi;Department of Cardiology, the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of HARBIN Medical University;
Uric acid is the naturally occurring product of purine metabolism. Hyperuricemia was defined as more than 7mg perdeciliter in men and more than 6mg per deciliter. Hyperuricemia is the major etiological factor of gout and kidney disease. Recent experimental and clinical evidence notes the possibility that an elevated level of uric acid may lead to the development of hypertension andmay be an independent risk factor for hypertension. This review summarizes metabolism of urid and acid, the causes of hyperuricemia,epidemiology of uric acid and hypertension, hyperuricemia in the role of hypertension. Hyperuricemia may be a new therapeutic targe inthe prevention and treatment of hypertension.
Keywords:Uric Acid   Hyperuricemia   Hypertension
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