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引用本文:张玲;杨国涛;谢崇华;胡运高;李海青;陈永军. 杂交水稻主要农艺性状配合力遗传力分析[J]. 植物研究, 2011, 31(6): 716-721
作者单位:西南科技大学生命科学与工程学院,绵阳 621010
基金项目:四川省“十一五”育种攻关(2006-YZGG-1); 国家科技重大专项(10zgc001)
摘    要:选用生产上常用的5个杂交水稻不育胞质与5个高配合力恢复系,采用NCII模式对产量性状、芒、粒形等主要农艺性状的亲本配合力、方差贡献率及遗传力进行分析。结果表明:胞质效应和恢复系效应在所测性状中均达到显著或极显著差异水平,芒长、粒形、单穗重受环境的影响较小;产量和收获指数的非加性遗传作用明显,受环境效应的影响也较大。亲本效应方面,恢复系的效应远大于胞质效应;产量性状JW型(爪哇型)胞质和蜀恢527的一般配合力效应较高,同时JW型胞质和R21属于Ⅰ类亲本;粒形性状G型(冈型)胞质和蜀恢527的一般配合力效应最高,同时均属于Ⅰ类亲本。

关 键 词:杂交水稻;胞质效应;配合力;遗传力

Analysis of Agronomic Traits and Heritability Combining Ability of Hybrid Rice
ZHANG Ling YANG Guo-Tao XIE Chong-Hua HU Yun-Gao LI Hai-Qing CHEN Yong-Jun. Analysis of Agronomic Traits and Heritability Combining Ability of Hybrid Rice[J]. Bulletin of Botanical Research, 2011, 31(6): 716-721
Authors:ZHANG Ling YANG Guo-Tao XIE Chong-Hua HU Yun-Gao LI Hai-Qing CHEN Yong-Jun
Affiliation:ZHANG Ling YANG Guo-Tao XIE Chong-Hua HU Yun-Gao LI Hai-Qing CHEN Yong-Jun(Life Science and Engineering,Southwest University of Science and Technology,Mianyang 621010)
Abstract:Five hybrid rice sterile cytoplasms commonly used in production and five restorer lines with high combining ability were used in this experiment. Using NCII model, the parental combining ability, contribution rate of variance and heritability of major agronomic traits including yield traits, awn and grain shape were analyzed. The results showed that the effects of cytoplasm and restorer in the measured traits were in significant or highly significant differences levels, while the environment impact on awn length, grain shape and single ear weight were less. The non-additive genetic effects of yield and harvest index was obvious, also influenced by environmental effects. In the parental effect, the effect of restorer is much stronger than that of cytoplasm; In yield traits, the general combining ability of JW cytoplasm and Shuhui 527 is high, while JW cytoplasm and R21 belong to the class I parents; In gain shape trait, the general combining ability of G cytoplasm and Shuhui527 is high, both of them also belong to the class I parents.
Keywords:hybrid rice  cytoplasmic effect  combining ability  heritability
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