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Comparison of embryo yield and pregnancy rate between in vivo and in vitro methods in the same Nelore (Bos indicus) donor cows
Authors:Pontes J H F  Nonato-Junior I  Sanches B V  Ereno-Junior J C  Uvo S  Barreiros T R R  Oliveira J A  Hasler J F  Seneda M M
Affiliation:a In vitro Brasil Ltda. Mogi Mirim SP, 13800-970 Brazil
b Laboratório de Reprodução Animal, DCV-CCA-UEL, Londrina PR, 86051-990 Brazil
c FCAV, UNESP, Jaboticabal SP, 14870-000, Brazil
d Bioniche Animal Health USA, Inc., 1551 Jennings Mill Rd., Bogart, GA 30622, USA
Abstract:To investigate why the preferred means to produce bovine embryos in Brazil has changed from in vivo to in vitro, we compared these two approaches in the same Nelore cows (n = 30) and assessed total embryo production and pregnancy rates. Without a specific schedule, all cows were subjected to ultrasound-guided ovum pick up (OPU)/in vitro production (IVP) and MOET, with intervals ranging from 15 to 45 d between procedures, respectively. To produce in vivo embryos, cows were superovulated and embryos were recovered nonsurgically from 1 to 3 times (1.4 ± 0.6), whereas OPU/IVP was repeated from 1 to 5 times (3.2 ± 1.2) in each donor cow during a 12-mo interval. Embryos obtained from both methods were transferred to crossbred heifers. On average, 25.6 ± 15.3 immature oocytes were collected per OPU attempt. The average number of embryos produced by OPU/IVP (9.4 ± 5.3) was higher (P < 0.05) than the MOET method (6.7 ± 3.7). However, pregnancy rates were lower (P < 0.05) following transfer of IVP (33.5%) versus in vivo-derived embryos (41.5%) embryos. Embryonic losses between Days 30 and 60 and fetal sex ratio were similar (P > 0.05) between in vivo and in vitro-derived embryos. We concluded that in Nelore cows, with an interval of 15 d between OPU procedures, it was possible to produce more embryos and pregnancies compared to conventional MOET.
Keywords:In vitro fertilization   Ovum pick up   Embryo transfer   Cattle   Nelore
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