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Coordination of arm movement during locomotion in ophiurans
Authors:Yu. I. Arshavskii  S. M. Kashin  N. M. Litvinova  G. N. Orlovskii  A. G. Fel'dman
Abstract:During movement of the ophiuranAmphipholis kochii Lutken, any one of its arms can point forward and, consequently, any arm can perform different functions. The arm, when separated from the ophiuran together with the adjacent part of the nerve ring, is capable of complex motor acts, including locomotion. Division of the nerve ring in the ophiuran disturbs coordination of the arms. The results of experiments in which one or more arms were amputated showed that the choice of leading arm and of method of locomotion depends mainly on afferent impulses received from the arms. The results indicate that the neural centers of individual arms possess relative autonomy. Coordinated working of the centers is achieved through their interaction. This interaction ensures the distribution of functions between the arms in accordance with the motor task to be undertaken and coordinates the activity of the arms in time. The dominant role in the distribution of functions between the arms is played by the center of the leading arm, which controls the activity of at least the adjacent centers.Institute of Oceanology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Institute of Problems in Information Transmission, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Moscow State University. Translated from Neriofiziologiya, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 529–537, September–October, 1976.
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