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引用本文:Møller AP,Erritzøe H,Erritzøe J. 鸟类交通致死原因的种间行为差异分析(英文)[J]. 动物学研究, 2011, 32(2): 115-127. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1141.2011.02115
作者姓名:Møller AP  Erritzøe H  Erritzøe J
作者单位:Anders Pape M(o)ller(Department of Ecology,Systematics and Evolution,CNRS UMR 8079,University of Paris-South,Batiment 362,F-91405 Orsay Cedex,France);Helga Erritz(o)e,Johannes Erritz(o)e(Taps Old Rectory,DK-6070 Christiansfeld,Denmark)
摘    要:鸟类和其他动物经常死于车撞, 每年因车撞而死亡的个体可达数百万只。为什么有的物种比其他物种更易于死于车撞的问题,迄今未研究过。该文推测物种本身所具有的冒险行为可能是这些物种的某些个体更常死于车撞的一个原因。此外,不同物种个体在公路上的行为、个体数量、栖息地偏好、繁殖社会性以及健康状况都可能是影响个体车撞风险的潜在因素。2001—2006 年,对丹麦一个农村地区进行定期统计取样, 得到该地区不同种鸟类个体被车撞死事件发生的频率,以及周边环境中 50 种鸟类的个体数量数据, 并利用这些数据来检验我们的预测。车撞频率随鸟类个体数量线性增加和位于道路上或者低空飞越道路的个体所占比例增加,这两个因素几乎无法解释鸟类车撞频率差异。在考虑到丰富度这个因素后,发现那些鸟类惊飞距离短、面对潜在危险而更具有冒险性的物种个体更易遭遇车撞而亡。另外, 独居的物种、疟原虫感染率高的物种及因体型大而拥有大法氏囊的物种个体死于车撞的频率更高。这些发现表明, 一系列反映冒险行为、视敏度和健康状况的因子导致某些鸟类物种易受到车撞影响。

关 键 词:鸟类  血液寄生虫  惊飞行为  惊飞距离  栖息地选择  社会性

A behavioral ecology approach to traffic accidents: interspecific variation in causes of traffic casualties among birds
Møller Anders Pape,Erritzøe Helga,Erritzøe Johannes. A behavioral ecology approach to traffic accidents: interspecific variation in causes of traffic casualties among birds[J]. Zoological Research, 2011, 32(2): 115-127. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1141.2011.02115
Authors:Møller Anders Pape  Erritzøe Helga  Erritzøe Johannes
Affiliation:Anders Pape M(o)ller,Helga Erritz(o)e,Johannes Erritz(o)e
Abstract:Birds and other animals are frequently killed by cars, causing the death of many million individuals per year. Why some species are killed more often than others has never been investigated. In this work hypothesized that risk taking behavior may affect the probability of certain kinds of individuals being killed disproportionately often. Furthermore, behavior of individuals on roads, abundance, habitat preferences, breeding sociality, and health status may all potentially affect the risk of being killed on roads. We used information on the abundance of road kills and the abundance in the surrounding environment of 50 species of birds obtained during regular censuses in 2001-2006 in a rural site in Denmark to test these predictions. The frequency of road kills increased linearly with abundance, while the proportion of individuals sitting on the road or flying low across the road only explained little additional variation in frequency of road casualties. After having accounted for abundance, we found that species with a short flight distance and hence taking greater risks when approached by a potential cause of danger were killed disproportionately often. In addition, solitary species, species with a high prevalence of Plasmodium infection, and species with a large bursa of Fabricius for their body size had a high susceptibility to being killed by cars. These findings suggest that a range of different factors indicative of risk-taking behavior, visual acuity and health status cause certain bird species to be susceptible to casualties due to cars.
Keywords:Birds  Blood parasites  Flight behavior  Flight distance  Habitat selection  Sociality
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