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Dermal and intestinal epithelium of the Enteropneusta as a phylogenetic stage of development of the Chordata
Authors:M V Atamanova
A comparative histological investigation of dermal and intestinal epithelium was made in Saccoglossus mereschkowskii (Enteropneusta). Nucleic acids (Feulgen reaction), glycogen (PAS-reaction, Best's staining), mucous (mucicarmine), total proteins (xanthoprotein reaction), neutral mucopolisaccharides (PAS-reaction) were determined histochemically. The dermal and infestinal epithelia of S. mereschkowskii have false pseudostratified composition and consist of ciliary and glandular cells. Peculiar "giant" cells with phagocytosis as their main function are also found in the intestinal epithelium. Ciliary cells of the intestinal epithelium are capable for secreting. A comparison between the dermal and intestinal epithelii is presented in the article. A supposition is made on the primitive structure of false pseudostratified composition of the dermal and intestinal epithelii. The epithelia of Enteropneusta are considered as an initial developmental stage of dermal and intestinal epithelia in phylogenic line of Hemichodata-Chordata.
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