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Morphometric analysis of Schizachyrium condensatum (Poaceae) and related species
Authors:Myriam Carolina Peichoto  Silvia Matilde Mazza  Viviana Griselda Solís Neffa
Affiliation:1. Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste, Corrientes, Argentina
2. Facultad Ciencias Agrarias, UNNE, Corrientes, Argentina
Abstract:Our aim was to assess the degree of morphological differentiation of a group of taxa of Schizachyrium Nees, which presents similar inflorescences and shares habitat and geographic areas: Schizachyrium bimucronatum, S. condensatum, S. lactiflorum, S. microstachyum subsp. microstachyum, S. microstachyum subsp. elongatum, and S. plumigerum. To accomplish this purpose, 22 exomorphological traits were analyzed using multivariate methods. The results obtained support the identity of Schizachyrium condensatum and related species as independent taxa. In addition, the analysis evidences the reliability of several inflorescence characters, which had not been previously considered in the identification of the different taxa. Based upon the information obtained, a new identification key for these taxa was constructed.
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