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Transient co-expression for fast and high-yield production of antibodies with human-like N-glycans in plants
Authors:Louis-P. Vé  zina ,Loï  c Faye,Patrice Lerouge,Marc-André   D'Aoust,Estelle Marquet-Blouin,Carole Burel,Pierre-Olivier Lavoie,Muriel Bardor, Vé  ronique Gomord
Affiliation:Medicago Inc., 1020, route de l'Église, Bureau 600, Sainte-Foy, QC, Canada, G1V 3V9;
CNRS UMR 6037, IFRMP 23, Universitéde Rouen, Facultédes Sciences, 76 821 Mont-Saint-Aignan, France
Abstract:Plant-based transient expression is potentially the most rapid and cost-efficient system for the production of recombinant pharmaceutical proteins, but safety concerns associated with plant-specific N -glycosylation have hampered its adoption as a commercial production system. In this article, we describe an approach based on the simultaneous transient co-expression of an antibody, a suppressor of silencing and a chimaeric human β1,4-galactosyltransferase targeted for optimal activity to the early secretory pathway in agroinfiltrated Nicotiana benthamiana leaves. This strategy allows fast and high-yield production of antibodies with human-like N -glycans and, more generally, provides solutions to many critical problems posed by the large-scale production of therapeutic and vaccinal proteins, specifically yield, volume and quality.
Keywords:antibody    glycoengineering    N-glycosylation    plant    transient expression    yield
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