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Regulation of epithelial transport and barrier function by distinct protein kinase C isoforms
Authors:Song, Jaekyung Cecilia   Hanson, Celina M.   Tsai, Vance   Farokhzad, Omid C.   Lotz, Margaret   Matthews, Jeffrey B.
Abstract:The phorbol ester phorbol12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) inhibits Cl- secretion(short-circuit current, Isc) and decreasesbarrier function (transepithelial resistance, TER) in T84 epithelia. To elucidate the role of specific protein kinase C (PKC) isoenzymes inthis response, we compared PMA with two non-phorbol activators of PKC(bryostatin-1 and carbachol) and utilized three PKC inhibitors (Gö-6850, Gö-6976, and rottlerin) with different isozymeselectivity profiles. PMA sequentially inhibited cAMP-stimulatedIsc and decreased TER, as measured byvoltage-current clamp. By subcellular fractionation and Western blot,PMA (100 nM) induced sequential membrane translocation of the novelPKCepsilon followed by the conventional PKCalpha and activated both isozymesby in vitro kinase assay. PKCdelta was activated by PMA but did nottranslocate. By immunofluorescence, PKCepsilon redistributed to thebasolateral domain in response to PMA, whereas PKCalpha moved apically.Inhibition of Isc by PMA was prevented by theconventional and novel PKC inhibitor Gö-6850 (5 µM) but not theconventional isoform inhibitor Gö-6976 (5 µM) or the PKCdelta inhibitor rottlerin (10 µM), implicating PKCepsilon in inhibition ofCl- secretion. In contrast, both Gö-6976 andGö-6850 prevented the decline of TER, suggesting involvement ofPKCalpha . Bryostatin-1 (100 nM) translocated PKCepsilon and PKCalpha andinhibited cAMP-elicited Isc. However, unlikePMA, bryostatin-1 downregulated PKCalpha protein, and the decrease in TERwas only transient. Carbachol (100 µM) translocated only PKCepsilon andinhibited Isc with no effect on TER. Gö-6850 but not Gö-6976 or rottlerin blocked bryostatin-1and carbachol inhibition of Isc. We concludethat basolateral translocation of PKCepsilon inhibits Cl-secretion, while apical translocation of PKCalpha decreases TER. Thesedata suggest that epithelial transport and barrier function can bemodulated by distinct PKC isoforms.

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