Abstract: | Twenty cases of thyroid carcinoma (10 follicular and 10 folliculo-papillary) were ultrastructurally studied. In the follicular carcinoma the most striking features were: microfollicular cavities with microvilli from the apical surface of the tumorous cells, intracellular microlumens, swollen mitochondria sometimes containing electrondense bodies and tightly packed filaments. In the solid sheaths light and dark cells were present. Golgi complexes were disposed in small dense cristae. The nuclei were large, round, oval or with a folded appearance. In the folliculo-papillary carcinoma were found nuclei with an irregular shape containing stage I and stage II inclusions, dilated endoplasmic sacks, closely packed, sometimes dystrophic mitochondria, dense bodies or tightly packed parallel filaments and numerous phagolysosomes. The peroxidase activity wa present as black precipitates in the nuclear envelope or around colloid droplets. The acid phosphatase activity was found as unhomogeneous precipitates inside the lysosomes. From this study it could be concluded that the follicular and folliculo-papillary carcinomas have some common ultrastructural features; the ultrastructural and cytoenzymological patterns suggest marked alteration of the synthesis, storage and secretion of thyroid hormones. |