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Recombination and mating-type switching in a ligase-defective mutant of Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Authors:M. Sipiczki   A.-M. Grossenbacher-Grunder  Zs. Bódi
Affiliation:(1) Department of Genetics, L. K. University, P.O. Box 56, H-4010 Debrecen, Hungary;(2) Institut für Allgemeine Mikrobiologie, Universität Bern, Baltzerstrasse 4, CH-3020 Bern, Switzerland
Abstract:Summary The ligase-defective cdc17-L16 mutant of Schizosaccharomyces pombe var. pombe was tested for genetic recombination and mating-type switching. Mitotic recombination was studied in both haploid and heteroallelic diploid cells. Cells carrying a heteroallelic ade6 duplication constructed by Schuchert and Kohli were tested for ectopic genetic recombination. We have found that cdc17-L16 is a mitotic hyper-rec mutant, as it increases the instability of the duplication by a factor of about 6 even at the permissive temperature of 23° C. In diploid cells, the enhancement of recombination rates detected was to that of cdc17+ cells. The temperature-sensitive cell cycle defect is also associated with a reduced level of mating and sporulation but does not significantly affect mating-type switching and intragenic meiotic recombination. It is supposed that the mitotic hyper-rec phenotype is a secondary result of insufficient repair of DNA breaks, while the lack of influence of the reduced ligase activity on the latter two processes might be attributed to their peculiar initiation mechanisms.
Keywords:Fission yeast  cdc17  Hyper-rec  Mating  Sporulation
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