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Fluorometric, Chromatographic, and Spectronic Evidence for the Non-indolic Nature of Citrus Auxin
Authors:KHALIFAH, R. A.   LEWIS, L. N.   COGGINS, C. W., JR.   RADLICK, P. C.
Abstract:Evidence for the non-indolic nature of the new citrus auxinis presented on the basis of fluorometric properties, thin-layerchromatography, Ehrlich's colour reaction, paper electrophoresis,and the infra-red spectra determinations. Citrus auxin had alower Rf in TLC than IAA, did not give the typical indole reactionwith Ehrlich's reagent, and behaved differently in electrophoresis.The infra-red spectra also provided preliminary informationconcerning chemical structure. The hypothesis that indolic compoundsconstitute the only natural auxins in higher plants should berevised in view of this evidence that a non-indole auxin existsin higher plants.
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