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Enhancing effects of CO2 on chloroplast regeneration in glucose-bleached cells of Chlorella protothecoides II. Role of carbamylphosphate in chloroplast regeneration
Authors:Oh-hama, Tamiko   Hase, Eiji
Affiliation:The Institute of Applied Microbiology, The University of Tokyo Tokyo 113, Japan
Abstract:Levels of the activities of glutamine-dependent carbamylphosphatesynthetase, ornithine-and aspartate-transcabamylase and phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxylase were followed in greening cells of Chlorella prolothecoides.Among the enzymes examined the activity of carbamylphosphatesynthetase was extremely low, especially at the early phaseof greening. Arginine (but not ornithine or aspartate), when administeredto algal cells at the 24th hour of greening, stimulated thesyntheses of RNA, protein and chlorophyll in the subsequentperiod. It also affected the metabolic pathway of the 14CO2supplied simultaneously with arginine in the presence of CMU.Arginine produced a decreased incorporation of 14C into proteinand an increased incorporation into nucleic acid. The mechanismof the action of CO2 on chloroplast regeneration is discussed.We concluded that chloroplast regeneration in glucose-bleachedcells is limited by the synthesis of carbamylphosphate, especiallyin the early phase of greening. (Received August 19, 1975; )
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