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Comparative Study of Microsporidian Spores by Flow Cytometric Analysis
Affiliation:Department de Biologia Animal, Universitat de Barcelona, Avinguda Diagonal, 645, 08028 Barcelona, Spain;Serveis Cientifico-Tècnics, Universitat de Barcelona, Carrer Lluís Soléi Sabarís, 4, 08028 Barcelona, Spain;Laboratoire de Biologie Comparée des Protistes, URA CNRS 138, UniversitéBlaise Pascal, 63177 Aubière Cedex, France
Abstract:ABSTRACT. Spore suspensions of microsporidian parasites of fish (Microsporidium ovoideum, Glugea stephani, Glugea atherinae and Spraguea lophii ) have been analyzed by flow cytometry. Spore nuclei were dyed either by propidium iodide or bis-benzimide (Hoechst 33342). By observation of forward light scatter and fluorescence the four species could be distinguished and the mono- and diplokaryotic populations of S. lophii identified. Staining of DNA by bis-benzimide was better and easier than propidium iodide. Forward light scatter and fluorescence values were characteristic of each species and remained unchanged throughout the year, so flow cytometry can be used for distinction of spores of some microsporidian parasites once their flow cytometric parameters are known. However, special care has to be taken in tool calibration and material preparation for analysis because of the high precision of the technique.
Keywords:Diagnosis    DNA    fish    Glugea atherinae    Glugea stephani    Microsporidium ovoideum    Spraguea lophii
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