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穗花狐尾藻(Myriophyllum spicatum L.)在不同程度富营养化水体中的营养积累特点及营养分配对策
引用本文:范国兰,李伟. 穗花狐尾藻(Myriophyllum spicatum L.)在不同程度富营养化水体中的营养积累特点及营养分配对策[J]. 植物科学学报, 2005, 23(3): 267-271
作者姓名:范国兰  李伟
作者单位:中国科学院武汉植物园水生生物学实验室 武汉 430074
摘    要:通过对栽培于3个不同程度的富营养化水体(富营养化程度为水体1<水体2<水体3)中的穗花狐尾藻(MyriophyllumspicatumL.)进行研究,测定了不同时期植物体各个器官的氮磷含量及生物量分配,探讨了富营养化水对其营养积累及分配格局的影响。结果表明,重度富营养化的水体3中穗花狐尾藻组织中的氮含量显著高于其它两个水体;而由于水体1和水体2的氨态氮含量无显著差异,植物组织中的氮含量在水体1和水体2间无显著差异。富营养化程度高的水体2中植物磷的含量显著低于富营养化程度低的水体1中的植物,但在重度富营养化的水体3中,叶子的磷含量却远高于其它两个水体,这是由植物不同部位吸收的磷在各器官间分配不同所造成的。由于底泥的营养含量丰富,在3个不同程度的富营养化水体中,穗花狐尾藻的根冠比并未表现出明显差异。

关 键 词:沉水植物  穗花狐尾藻  富营养化  营养积累  分配对策  

Response of Nutrient Accumulation Characteristics and Nutrient Strategy of Myriophyllum spicatum L. under Different Eutrophication Conditions
FAN Guo-Lan,LI Wei. Response of Nutrient Accumulation Characteristics and Nutrient Strategy of Myriophyllum spicatum L. under Different Eutrophication Conditions[J]. Plant Science Journal, 2005, 23(3): 267-271
Authors:FAN Guo-Lan  LI Wei
Affiliation:Wuhan Botanical Garden, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan430074, China
Abstract:From May to September in 2003, Myriophyllum spicatum L.was cultured in three (waters) with different degrees of eutrophication(the eutrophic conditions were water 1M.spicatum contents phosphorus 3).The 24-N content in water 1 and water 2 was similar.Phosphorus content in tissues in low eutrophic water 1 was higher than that in water 2.But in hypereutrophic water 3,phosphorus content in leaves was higher than that in (eutrophic) water 1 and 2,which was due to the absorbed phosphorus by different organs were not allocated to each organ at the same ratio.R∶S ratios of M.spicatum showed no significant difference among different (eutrophic) water 1,2 and 3 for the same rich sediment.
Keywords:Sumerged macrophytes  Myriophyllum  Eutrophication  Nutrients accumuliation  Allocation strategy  
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