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Multiple mating reduces male survivorship but not ejaculate size in the polygamous insect Stenomacra marginella (Heteroptera: Largidae)
Authors:Celia Oliver  Carlos Cordero
Affiliation:(1) Posgrado en Ciencias Biomédicas, Instituto de Ecología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico, DF, Mexico;(2) Departamento de Ecología Evolutiva, Instituto de Ecología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Circuito Exterior, Ciudad Universitaria, Apdo. Post. 70-275, Coyoacan, DF, 04510, Mexico
Abstract:In polygamous species, successful males should be able to inseminate multiple females, to defeat sperm from previous males, to avoid sperm displacement by other males, and to induce females to use his sperm during fertilization. Since resources are limited, adaptations to perform any of these functions may conflict with each other (and with other life-history traits) and trade-offs are expected to evolve. We studied if males of the polygamous true bug Stenomacra marginella face a trade-off between multiple mating and survivorship, by comparing the survivorship of virgin and multiply mated males. We also looked for physiological costs of ejaculate production by examining ejaculate production in consecutive matings in multiple mated males. Multiply mated males were able to produce ejaculates of similar size in up to six consecutive copulations but they had decreased survivorship in comparison with virgin males. There was no difference in survivorship between males mated three and six consecutive times, suggesting that the negative relation between survivorship and number of copulations is not linear. The decrease in survivorship seems to be a cost of mating and ejaculate production. This cost could favor the evolution of prudence in the allocation of resources to ejaculate production (e.g., cryptic male choice).
Keywords:Life history trade-off  Survivorship  Multiple mating  Mating costs  Ejaculate
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