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引用本文:章迪 周庆宏 何丽娟 朱万龙 王政昆 杨盛昌 高文荣 沐远 郑佳. 大绒鼠在不同驯化温度下产热和能量代谢的变化[J]. 兽类学报, 2013, 33(4): 344
作者姓名:章迪 周庆宏 何丽娟 朱万龙 王政昆 杨盛昌 高文荣 沐远 郑佳
摘    要:
为研究不同温度驯化条件下大绒鼠体重、体温和能量代谢水平的可塑性变化,本实验测定了热驯化(30℃ ;12L∶ 12D)转脱热驯化(5℃ ;12L∶ 12D)和冷驯化(5℃ ;12L∶ 2D) 转脱冷驯化(30℃ ;12L∶ 12D)条件下,大绒鼠体重、体温、能量收支、静止代谢率和非颤抖性产热的变化。结果表明:大绒鼠在热驯化转脱热驯化过程中,随着热驯化时间的延长,大绒鼠体重和体温增加,摄入能、静止代谢率和非颤抖性产热逐渐降低,在28 d 时降到最低;转到脱热驯化条件下,表现出相反的趋势。冷驯化转入脱冷驯化过程中,随着冷驯化时间的延长,大绒鼠的体重和体温降低,摄入能、静止代谢率和非颤抖性产热逐渐升高,28 d 时达到最高;转移到脱冷驯化条件时,表现出相反的趋势。以上结果说明大绒鼠在不同温度驯化条件下,其体重、能量代谢和产热具有可塑性变化,即通过调节体重、体温和能量代谢来适应不同温度变化。

关 键 词:大绒鼠  能量代谢  产热  表型可塑性  

Thermogenesis and energy metabolism in Eothenomys miletus under varied temperatures
ZHANG Di,ZHOU Qinghong,HE Lijuan,ZHU Wanlong,WANG Zhengkun,YANG Shengchang,GAO Wenrong,MU Yuan,ZHENG Jia. Thermogenesis and energy metabolism in Eothenomys miletus under varied temperatures[J]. Acta Theriologica Sinica, 2013, 33(4): 344
Authors:ZHANG Di  ZHOU Qinghong  HE Lijuan  ZHU Wanlong  WANG Zhengkun  YANG Shengchang  GAO Wenrong  MU Yuan  ZHENG Jia
In order to investigate the effect of ambient temperature on phenotypic plasticity of body temperature,body mass and energy metabolism,body temperature,body mass,energy budget,rest metabolic rate (RMR)and non-shivering thermogenesis (NST) were measured for eight weeks at various temperatures. Eothenomys miletus were divided into two
groups. The first group was exposed to warm temperature (30℃ ;12L∶ 12D)for four weeks and then to cold temperature (5℃ ;12L∶12D)for four weeks. The second group was first exposed to cold temperature (5℃ ;12L∶12D)for four weeks and then to warm temperature (30℃ ;12L∶ 12D)for four weeks.The results showed the following:In the first group,body
temperature and body mass increased,whereas energy intake,RMR and NST decreased,the minimum point appeared on 28 d when exposed first to warm temperature;when exposed to the cold temperatures,E. miletus showed opposite trends. In the second group,body temperature and body mass decreased,while energy intake,RMR and NST increased,the maximal point appeared at 28d when exposed first to warm temperature;when exposed to the cold temperatures,E. miletus showed opposite trends. All of the results indicated that temperature may be one of the most significant environmental factors to influence phenotypic plasticity of body mass,energy metabolism and thermogenesis in E. miletus adaptation to variations of temperature.
Keywords:Eothenomys miletus  Energy metabolism  Phenotypic plasticity  Thermogenesis  
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