Abstract: | A technique of highly selective affinity labelling, which includes covalent modification of the enzyme-T7A2 promoter complex with reactive oligonucleotide derivatives and subsequent elongation of the attached oligonucleotide residue with a radioactive substrate was used to study the product-binding site of E. coli RNA polymerase. Different oligonucleotides complementary to the T7A2 promoter (with lengths ranging from 2 to 8 residues) containing 5'-terminal phosphorylating, alkylating or aldehyde groups were used for the labelling. The procedure resulted in labelling DNA and beta-, beta'- or sigma-subunits of the enzyme, which are therefore believed to contact with growing RNA in the course of initiation. Consideration of the labelling patterns as a functions of the oligonucleotide's length as well as of the structure and chemical specificity of the reactive groups led to a tentative topographic scheme of the RNA polymerase product-binding region. |