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Ring Gap Resonance Modes on Disk/Film Coupling System Caused by Strong Plasmon Interaction
Authors:Zhu  Guodong  Qv  Linhong  Guo  Yangzhe  Fang  Yurui
Affiliation:1.Key Laboratory of Materials Modification By Laser, Electron, and Ion Beams (Ministry of Education), School of Physics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, 116024, People’s Republic of China

Ring modes with large wave vectors cannot be easily excited on a single disk by the plane wave illumination with the polarization parallel to the disk interface. In this work, we show that special antisymmetric ring gap modes on the surface of the disk in close proximity to the metallic thin film can be excited in the visible light region of the electromagnetic spectrum. In the presence of the film, the strong plasmon interaction between disk and film causes ring gap modes to have lower energies and be more easily excited. We apply the plasmon hybridization method to illustrate the ring gap modes arising from the interaction between the localized disk plasmons and the continuum surface plasmons. The calculated hybridization data show good agreement with the results of finite element simulations. The excitation of ring gap modes provides further insight into the strong coupling of plasmons and the design of novel nanostructures.

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