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Low MW carbohydrates and ions in rhodophyceae: Quantitative measurement of floridoside and digeneaside
Authors:Gunter O. Kirst
Affiliation:School of Biological Sciences, University of Sydney, N.S.W. 2006, Australia
Abstract:The content of the heterosides floridoside and digeneaside and of the main ions Na+, K+, and Cl? was estimated in 20 species of the Rhodophyceae. Methods for quantitative determination of the heterosides are described. The floridoside content is in the range of 1.5–8% on a dry weight basis (Catenella: up to 22%); the content of digeneaside, exclusively found in species of the Ceramiales, is lower, in the range of 1–2.2% on a dry weight basis. All species investigated have Cl? as main anion, while there is a remarkable diversity in cation composition. Na+ was the major cation in 12 of the species investigated, the others having K+ as main cation.
Keywords:Rhodophyceae  heteroside contents  floridoside  digeneaside  ion contents.
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