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The ontogeny of the filter apparatus of anuran larvae (Amphibia,Anura)
Authors:Bruno Viertel
Affiliation:(1) Institute of Zoology, Johannes Gutenberg University, Saarstraße 21, W-6500 Mainz, Federal Republic of Germany
Summary The pharynx ofBufo calamita, Rana temporaria andBombina variegata larvae (larval Types IV and III) changes considerably during the latter part of embryonic development. The entodermal regions between the visceral pockets flatten inward to form the anlagen of the filter plates. The ectoderm thrusts forward from the area of the persistent epidermal gills overlying the anlagen of the filter plates. The esophagus pushes dorsolaterally into the pharynx to give rise to the ciliary cushions. Comparison with the development ofXenopus laevis (larval Type I) reveals shared characters: (1) the filter plates are overlapped by the sensory layer of the epiderm and (2) the ciliary grooves are, like the ciliary cushions of larval Types III and IV, anteriorly directed dorsolateral extensions of the esophagus. In all the species studied an ectodermal-esophageal filter apparatus develops. The evolutionary origin of this filter apparatus is discussed. The epidermalization of gills is suggested as a common character with the sister group of Dipnoi, and is therefore a plesiomorphic character in all amphibians. The tendency of filter plate epidermalization is considered to be the end of a process which is also indicated in the epidermalization of the first visceral pouch in lung fish. The ciliary groove is unique in anuran larvae within the Lissamphibia, and is therefore seen as an autapomorphic character within amphibians. On the basis of the different structure of the ciliary cushion inX. laevis and in the other species of this study, two alternative levels of evolutionary ciliary groove origin are discussed. Derivation from the esophagus took place: (1) in a common anuran larval ancestor, or (2) at two independent levels; the first in the Pipidae (-Rhinophrynidae) ancestor and the second in the ancestor of all the other anuran families. Several larval characters and cladistic aspects make the first alternative more probable than the second. Larval Type II anatomy and Larval Type II truncation from the Larval Type IV of Ranoidea do not contradict these considerations. There is disproportionately early commencement of ingestion activity inR. temporaria (G Stage 23),B. calamita (G Stage 23), andB. bufo (G Stage 24) compared toXenopus. Feeding in the former three species precedes the differentiation of the filter plates, their mucus production, and the exhaustion of the yolk supply in the gut tissue. By contrast, the goblet cells and the ciliary cells of the ciliary cushions are already differentiated when feeding starts. This suggests that ingestion in these early stages requires mucus production by the ciliary cushions and transport by their ciliary cells. Presumably in fully formed larvae, the ciliary cushions are the mucus donors, whereas the filter plates are the mucus depositors. By contrast,X. laevis does not begin active food intake by suspension feeding until after the yolk supply has been used up from the entoderm of the buccal cavity to deep in the esophagus.Abbreviations AAC anlage of apical cell - AC apical cell - ACE anlage of cerebrum - ACG anlage of ciliary groove - AD aorta dorsalis - ADV anlage of dorsal velum - AG anlage of glottis - AFP anlage of filter plates - AFR anlage of filter rows - AFPC anlage of epidermal fold of peribranchial chamber (anlage of lsquooperculumrsquo) - ant. anterior - AMF anlage of middle fold - AO adhesive organ - APEG anlage of persistent epidermal gills - APOP anlage of postnarial papilla - APSF anlage of primary side fold - ASC1 anlage of Type 1 secretory cell - ATE anlage of tuba Eustachii - ATEG anlage of transient epidermal gills - AVV anlage of ventral velum - B branchial arch - BI-IV branchial arches I–IV - BFA buccal floor arena - BFT branchial food trap - BL basal lamina - BRA buccal roof arena - C cilium, cilia - CA cartilage of visceral arch - CC ciliary cushion - CE cerebrum, brain - CG ciliary groove - CH choana - CHY ceratohyale - CIC ciliary cell - CL capillary vessel - CN centriole, basal body - COC cuboidal cells - CT connective tissue - CTC connective tissue cell - d dorsal - DV dorsal velum - DVI–III dorsal vela I–III - E esophagus - e early - ED edge of filter plate - EN endothelium - ENC entodermal cell - EP epiderm - EPC epidermal cell - ER endoplasmatic reticulum - ET erythrocyte - ETZ ectodermal-entodermal transition zone - EV ear vesicle - EX merocrine extrusion - EY eye - EZ zone of extrusion - FP filter plate - FPII filter plate of the 2nd branchial arch - FPIV filter plate of the 4th branchial arch - FPC epidermal fold of peribranchial chamber (operculum) - FC filter cavity - FN filter niche - FR filter row - GL glottis - GS gill slit - 1. GS first gill slit - GZ glandular zone - H heart - HP hypobranchial plate - HY hyoid arch - IC intercellular space, enlarged by fixation and dehydration - L late - LJ lower jaw - LT larval type - LV lipid vacuole - M mitochondrion - MA mandibular arch - MF middle fold - med. median - MS microvillous stubs - MZ zone of microtubes - NAC nucleus of apical cell - NCIC nucleus of ciliary cell - NCL nucleus of capillary vessel - NCOC nucleus of cuboidal cells - NCT nucleus of connective tissue - NENC nucleus of entodermal cell - NEPC nucleus of epidermal cell - NO external nares - NPEC nucleus of periderm cell - NRC nucleus of random cell - NSC1 nucleus of Type 1 secretory cell - NSC3 nucleus of Type 3 secretory cell - NSLC nucleus of sensory layer cell - NSPC nucleus of supporting cell - NSQC nucleus of squamous epithelial cell - OC oral cavity - OS mouth - P papilla - PC peribranchial chamber - PCW peribranchial chamber wall - PE periderm - PEC periderm cell - PEG persistent epidermal gill - PG pigment granule - post. posterior - PS primary side fold - PH pharynx - RC random cell - RO rootlet - SC1 Type 1 secretory cell - SC2 Type 2 secretory cell, goblet cell - SC3 Type 3 secretory cell - SC4 Type 4 secretory cell - SG secretory groove - SL sensory layer - SLC sensory layer cell - SP secretory pit - SPC supporting cell - SQC squamous epithelial cell - SR secretory ridge - SRC secretory ridge cell - SS secondary side fold - ST. stage - STD stomodeum - SU spiculum of hypobranchial plate - T tentacle - TA anlage of tongue - TEG transient epidermal gill - TZ transitional zone of branchial food trap and ventral velum - UJ upper jaw - v ventral - VA visceral arch - VC vacuole - VPI–IV visceral pockets I–IV - VP visceral pocket - VV ventral velum - YV yolk vacuolesSupported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
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