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引用本文:陈家媛,靖晶,高嵩,金国良,张恒庆. 草河口林场红松人工林遗传多样性的ISSR分析[J]. 植物研究, 2009, 29(5): 633-636
作者姓名:陈家媛  靖晶  高嵩  金国良  张恒庆
摘    要:
应用ISSR分子标记技术对本溪草河口林场的红松(Pinus koraiensis)人工林两个种群的60个个体进行遗传多样性分析。14个ISSR引物共检测到90个位点,其中多态位点65个,多态位点比率0.722 2。Nei指数统计结果表明,红松人工林的遗传多样性喜鹊沟种群(0.278 9)大于烈士墓种群(0.271 2),Shannon指数统计结果与Nei指数相同。研究证实草河口林场红松人工林保存了较多的遗传多样性。

关 键 词:红松;遗传多样性;ISSR

Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Pinus koraiensis Plantation in CaoHekou Forest Farm by ISSR Marker
CHEN Jia-Yuan JING Jing GAO Song JIN Guo-Liang ZHANG Heng-Qing. Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Pinus koraiensis Plantation in CaoHekou Forest Farm by ISSR Marker[J]. Bulletin of Botanical Research, 2009, 29(5): 633-636
Authors:CHEN Jia-Yuan JING Jing GAO Song JIN Guo-Liang ZHANG Heng-Qing
Affiliation:College of Life Science;Liaoning Normal University;Dalian 116029
With ISSR method,the paper studied genetic diversity of 60 individuals in two populations of Pinus koraiensis plantation in Benxi CaoHekou forest farm.Through the amplification of ISSR with 14 primers,90 loci in which 65 were polymorphic were detected and percentage of polymorphic loci was 0.722 2.Nei's index showed the levels of genetic diversity of Xiquegou population(0.278 9) was higher than Lieshimu population(0.271 2);Shannon's index got the same result with Nei's.This study confirmed that P.koraiensis...
Keywords:Pinus koraiensis  genetic diversity  ISSR
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