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引用本文:李明 李勤 等. 云南景颇族的体质特征[J]. 人类学学报, 1989, 8(1): 8-16
作者姓名:李明 李勤 等
作者单位:[1]昆明医学院人体解剖学教研室 [2]云南省民族研究所
摘    要:本文调查了云南景颇族261人(男105人,女156人)。年龄为成年人(男24-60岁,女23-55岁)。主要测量均值与现代中国汉族和云南省各少数民族比较和聚类分析的结果表明,景颇族属黄种人的东亚类型,但也有南亚类型特征表现。体质特征与傣族、哈尼族和彝族接近,与基诺族和布郎族较远。

关 键 词:活体观察 活体测量 景颇族 云南

Li Ming Yu Fachang Liu Guanhao Pu Enhao Li Wenming Li Fukun. THE PHYSICAL CHARACTERS OF THE JINGBO NATIONALITY IN YUNNAN[J]. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 1989, 8(1): 8-16
Authors:Li Ming Yu Fachang Liu Guanhao Pu Enhao Li Wenming Li Fukun
Abstract:A somatological survey on 216 people of Jingbo nationality living in Yunnan was carried out in July, 1986. The survey covered 105 adult males (from 24 to 60 years old) and 165 adult females (from 23 to 55 years old).The results of the survey are summarized breifly as follows: Judging by all nonmetrical data, Jingbo nationality obviously belongs to the Mongoloids. Averages of most measurements in Jingbo nationality people are close to those of Han nationality. The average head breadth, face breadth, nose height and mouth breadth are much different from those of Han nationality, but are very close to those of minorities living in Yunnan. Most nonmetrical data are different with regard to sex. All measurements are higher in males than in females. They belong to the thin physical type, containing less fat in their body.In view of the cluster graph of kinship matrix for Jingbo and 7 groups of othter minorities living in Yunnan, the physical character of Jingbo nationality is similar to those of Dai nationality, Ha nationality and Yi nationality.According to these analyses we consider that Jingbo nationality belongs to East Asian pattern in physical characters, but at the same time there are some features of the South Asian pattern. They may originate from the same ancestor as other inhabitants living in Southwest Yunnan.
Keywords:Somatoscopy  Anthropometry  Jingbo nationality  Yunnan province
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