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The Control of Leaf Senescence in Kleinia articulata by Photoperiod
Authors:SCHWABE   W. W.
Affiliation:Department of Horticulture, Wye College, University of London Ashford, Kent
Abstract:Experiments with attached and detached leaves of K. articulatahave shown that senescence rates are determined by the daylengthprevailing during early growth (leaf-expansion stage) and thatthis effect is lasting, long days leading to early leaf death.Daylength also affects longevity after full expansion has occurred,long days hastening senescence. Tests with numerous plant-growthregulators have revealed beneficial effects of gibberellic acid,while kinetin is detrimental to survival at 50 ppm. Entire detachedleaves and isolated petioles behave similarly to leaves on theplant, but leaf discs do not behave in the same way. Other parametersaffected by daylength include: leaf shape, the capacity of leavesto form roots, and enlargement of mesophyll cells normal tothe leaf surface.
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