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Estrus response of indigenous Nigerian Zebu cows after prostaglandin F2 alpha analogue treatment under continuous observations for two seasons
Authors:Voh A A  Oyedipe E O  Buvanendran V  Kumi-Diaka J
Affiliation:Department of Animal Reproduction and Artificial Insemination, National Animal Production Research Institute (N.A.P.R.I), P.M.B. 1096, Shika - Zaria, Nigeria.
Abstract:The study was undertaken to determine the estrus response pattern of Zebu cows indigenous to Nigeria following treatment with prostaglandin F(2alpha) analogue and to determine the effect of season on the estrus parameters. Eighty cyclic Zebu cows were used in both the dry and wet seasons. Two single intramuscular injections of 25 mg of PGF(2alpha) analogue were given per cow 11 days apart regardless of the stage of the estrous cycle. The cows were then observed continuously for 168 h following each injection. The proportion of treated cows responding to PGF(2alpha) treatment in the wet season (90%) was significantly higher (P<0.005) than in the dry season (70.0%). The mean post-injection interval to onset of non-standing estrus (mucus discharge) was 30.6 h and 28.5 h in the dry and wet seasons, respectively. Similarly, the intervals to standing estrus were 69.7 h and 63.9 h in the two seasons, respectively. Seasonal effects were not significant. The duration of non-standing estrus was similar for the two seasons (164.2 h and 162.0 h) while the duration of standing estrus was significantly (P<0.01) longer in the wet season (19.2 h) than in the dry season (12.6 h). Also there was seasonal influence on the body condition score of cows, the palpability of corpora lutea (CL) and the intensity of estrus as determined by the number of mounts (17.9+/-2.0 and 51.2+/-3.4 mounts per cow per estrus period in the dry and wet seasons, respectively).
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