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Chemically-mediated interactions in benthic organisms: the chemical ecology of Crambe crambe (Porifera,Poecilosclerida)
Authors:Becerro  Mikel A.  Uriz  María J.  Turon  Xavier
Affiliation:(1) Department of Biological Sciences, Mississippi State University, 39762 Mississippi State, MS, USA;(2) Department of Biology, Peace College, 15 East Peace Street, 27604 Raleigh, N.C., USA
Abstract:Five temporary forest pools at Noxubee National WildlifeRefuge,Noxubee Co., Mississippi were surveyed monthly for three yearstogain a better understanding of the dynamics of temporaryaquatichabitats. The objective of this study was to characterize thephysicochemical and biological changes in temporary pools inorderto assess the temporal habitat diversity. These ecosystems,allwithin no more than 4 km of one another, were heterotrophicwith adetrital-based food web derived from allochthonous leaflitter.These pools were chosen because of their close proximity tooneanother, they historically filled and dried seasonally, andtheywere known breeding sites for resident amphibian populations.Only47% of the amphibian cohorts inhabiting the pools appeared tothrive and metamorphose prior to pool desiccation. Successfuldevelopment and dispersal of larvae was variable among poolsandyears. We found that the filling cycles differed amonghabitats andthat physiochemical and biological parameters were highlyvariable.Our data suggest that ephemeral pools in this central piedmontregion of Mississippi are each unique and represent habitatsof lowpredictability for amphibian breeding and success. We concludethatit is erroneous to draw generalizations regarding a lsquotypicalrsquotemporary pool ecosystem within this region.
Keywords:freshwater temporary pools  ephemeral water  amphibianbreeding habitats   invertebrate fauna
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