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Endocrine influence upon the development of vitellogenic competency in Oncopeltus fasciatus
Authors:Thomas J. Kelly  Linda-Margaret Hunt
Affiliation:1. Insect Reproduction Laboratory, Agricultural Environmental Quality Institute, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, MD 20705, U.S.A.;2. Department of Biology, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556, U.S.A.
Immunoelectrophoretic analysis of the blood of precocious adult females of Oncopeltus demonstrated the presence of the A form of vitellogenin but no detectable AB form, the form present in mature adult-female haemolymph. Although the appearance of the AB form could be induced by topical treatment of precocious adult females with juvenile hormone, no yolk deposition was induced in these females. Histological examination revealed that the ovaries of precocious adult females reached only a previtellogenic stage of development with or without treatment with juvenile hormone. Topical treatment of normal larvae and adults with the hormone demonstrated that vitellogenin synthesis could not be induced with juvenile hormone treatment alone until after adult emergence. Since the precocious adult females are chronologically younger than normal last-stage larval instars, we suggest that a transition period during which juvenile hormone is absent (i.e. the precocious moult in treated animals; the final moult in control animals) must occur before some tissue of the precocious or normal adult females, presumably the fat body, becomes competent to respond to further exposure to the hormone by making the AB form of vitellogenin. The ovary requires a similar transition period prior to becoming capable of depositing vitellogenin; however, the times when the fat body and the ovary become competent to respond to the transition period differ.
Keywords:Precocene  metamorphosis  vitellogenin synthesis  juvenile hormone  rocket immunoelectrophoresis  yolk deposition  oögenesis
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